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Showing results for Hannah Templeman

Easter Term 2016

May Bumps

2nd Women's VIII at 2: DOWN 4 - Day 1: Overbumped by Corpus, Day 2: Rowed over & rowed over, Day 3: Rowed over & rowed over, Day 4: Bumped by Caius II (report, crew)

Cambridge Spring Head to Head

2nd Women's VIII at 2: 7th out of 8 Mays 2nd boats. 1st leg: 8:01.2, 2nd leg: 8:49.5 (combined 16:50.7) (report, crew)

Easter Term 2014

May Bumps

3rd Women's VIII at 6: STAYED LEVEL. Day 1: Rowed over. Day 2: Bumped Peterhouse II. Day 3: Rowed over. Day 4: Bumped by Hughes Hall / Lucy Cavendish II. (report, crew)

May Bumps Getting-on Race

3rd Women's VIII at 6: Got on, starting 6th in the W4 division, chasing Murray Edwards III, chased by Queens III (crew)

Nines' Regatta

4th Women's VIII at 6: First round (cup): lost to Murray Edwards III, easily. Final (plate): lost to Clare II. (crew)

Champs Eights Head

3rd Women's VIII at 6: 6:47.04 - 6th in the W4 division (crew)

Michaelmas Term 2013

Queens' Ergs

1st Novice Women's VIII at 2: 3rd in 1800 Women's Division, with an average of 1.56.8, 7th in Women's Final with an average time of 1.56.6 (report, crew)